Trevor (US)
Growing up I was never really much of a traveler, I would occasionally take a trip to Arizona to see family. During my junior year of college I knew that I wanted to study abroad and get out of the United States. A lot of my friends were going to Europe, but I knew that I wanted to make myself break out of my shell, so I decided to study in South Africa.
The study abroad was two weeks, and when I booked my flight I decided to just throw myself out there and extended the trip 3 more weeks so that I could explore the country myself.
I boarded the flight knowing no one, and I had to say I was a bit nervous. Being on a budget I had a long flight, with a 13 hour layover in Doha, Qatar. There was another girl who was on the trip that had posted in the group chat that she was also there. We decided to meet up, and 4 years later we are still the best of friends.
Spending the first two weeks in South Africa was eye opening, and I was happy that everything was scheduled for me. I went from hiking in the middle of Kruger National Park, to living in a rural village, and finally staying at a 5-star game resort. The goal of the program was to show the economics that the wildlife played on all areas of the country.
The two weeks came to an end fast, but I knew that was only the start of my adventure. The next 3 weeks I decided that I was going to rent a car and see more of the country. I took a one way flight to Cape Town and drove along the coast all the way back up Johannesburg.
I never thought that I would be able to say that I went swimming with a great white shark, or bungee jumping from the highest commercial bungee bridge. The best part was staying in small B&B’s along the coast and hearing stories that everyone had to share. I had booked my return flight to go through Dubai, and spend a couple extra days there to explore.
Spending 5 weeks traveling through South Africa opened my eyes to what there is to see in the world. I decided on my return flight back to the United States that it may have been the end of the trip, but it was just the start of a journey.
A small but important word of advice that I would give to someone; is that it is okay to splurge every once in a while on that activity/experience that you want.
My name is Trevor and I have traveled to thirteen countries. Currently I am based in Arizona and apart of corporate America, but I spend all the free time I have traveling and blogging.
Are You Ready For Your Next Advenenture? Then check out Trevors Blog - Trevorcity For his in depth destination guides and reviews from travelling the world.
Follow Trevor on Instagram @trevorocity