7 Important Things To Know-Before Traveling As a Backpacker
Don’t Wait Too Long
Its cliché but true, Carpe Diem. Live for the now, and not for the later. No regrets.
As John Steinbeck wrote in Travels With Charlie “I saw In their eyes something was to see over and over in every part of the nation- a burning desire to go, to move, to get under way, anyplace, away from here. They spoke quietly of how they wanted to go someday, to move about, free and unanchored, not toward something but away from something”
Avoid Packing Too Much
Less is more, especially when backpacking. In most cases items you forget to pack, or end up needing can be purchased in the country you are traveling in. Keep it light and easy on yourself, you will be thankful on those long walks to bus stations, and bus rides with limited storage space. You can check out my complete Packing List HERE
Don’t Fear The Unknown
You have your plane ticket to a new destination that you know nothing about. Congrats, you are ready for an amazing adventure. Don’t fear what will happen next, but rather anticipate the journey. I prefer to not know a whole lot about where I am going, so that I can create my own perspectives from my own unique experiences.
Go With The Flow
A lot of my travel stories are about being spontaneous with my travel plans and always be willing to pivot plans at any given time. While spending leisure time in the hostel, you can chat with other solo travelers, you will be suprised how many there are.
A 2016 report from travel research company Phocuswright found that a whopping 72 percent of hostel guests in the United States were traveling alone. Airbnb saw similar a trend in its data, with cities like Ho Chi Minh City, Cologne, and Johannesburg experiencing more than a 130 percent increase in individual bookings in 2016.
Once you start to make friends and get comfortable living out of your backpack, you can start to feel yourself get into a flow. Keep an open mind, ask questions, and listen to what others have to say about places you plan to visit, then run with it.
Get Travel Insurance
Let’s take a break from the fun stuff, and quickly address some simple housekeeping for your trip. Travel Insurance is very important, and with Digital Nomads it is very reasonable as well. You can get protection for your belongings, from flight cancellations, medical care, and even help getting out of the country if an emergency arises. Look no further to the current pandemic, backpackers from all over the world needed immediate assistance getting back to the countries they were from due to the travel bans around the world. Travel Insurance claims can help you expediate that process, and get you in the air quickly.
Note: It is important to do your research regading any travel credit cards. They offer mild insurance coverage, it is often not comprehensive. If you lose your luggage, get stranded due to airline problems, or need to travel for family medical emergencies, you may be covered. However, it is very rare, if not impossible, to find a travel credit card that offers medical coverage in any capacity. Learn more about the top travel credit cards to consider HERE
Vaccinations and Travel Nurse Consultations
The bulk of my travel has been in South America, and on each trip I have spent time trekking in the jungle and mountain areas. So I make an appointment with a travel nurse. They can look up where you are going and determine which vaccinations you will be required to have and which they recommend for you. For example in Colombia you need Yellow Fever vaccination to return to the US after spending time in the Jungle Area, and if you want to visit Tayrona National Park, you will need proof of vaccination to enter.
Travel nurses can provide you with all the proper documentation you will need for travel as well. In addition to vaccinations they also can help prescribe you proper antibiotics for emergency situations. It’s never a bad idea to have medication like this available if needed.
Slow Down, and Take It All In
Ok, so you have done all the previous steps and your backpacking trip is under way. Now it’s time to stop and smell the roses. Try to spend some extra time in one place, really get to know the culture and the people who live there. Take a cooking class, go on a free walking tour, and makes friends with the locals who work at your hostel.
You are backpacking, and a big part of the reason to travel this way is the unique experiences it can create. So if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, tired of long bus rides, and thinking about how are you possibly going to see everything. Stop, close your eyes, take two deep breaths, open your eyes and look around. This is exactly where you are supposed to be, so enjoy it now.